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Today Starts National Preparedness Month: Join us to help the nation prepare! 본문


Today Starts National Preparedness Month: Join us to help the nation prepare!

천아1234 2021. 9. 2. 07:07

Good Morning and Welcome to National Preparedness Month!

As hurricane Ida continues to pound the east coast, I want to thank all of you for your service to our country – whether in the public or private sector, we thank you for your efforts to prepare, respond, and help our citizens recover from disaster.

Today is the start of National Preparedness Month, and at Homeland Security Today we are committed to helping communities across the country increase awareness around preparedness. This year, while battling hurricane Ida, the continued COVID pandemic, California wildfires all of us in the emergency management community have had to respond to protect American citizens.

I am writing today to invite you to submit your thoughts and ideas to forward the conversation and help our communities think ahead, think smarter, and think more strategically about what we do in both the public and private sectors to jointly meet increasingly devastating disasters.

I invite you to share with our community YOUR experiences, preparing for, responding to, disaster. How did your community handle an event that threatens the lives and property of your citizens? What novel approach did you take to prepare? To communicate with citizens? To respond to a crisis? What could you share that would help others learn from what happened in your neck of the woods?

How might you participate?

Submit a thought leadership piece on lessons learned, a novel strategy you employed, areas of concerns you’d like the community to discuss to editor@HSToday.us;

Suggest thought leaders that HSToday should reach out to for articles, or to join us in this communication;

Share us on social media and retweet us! Easy to do at: Twitter, Facebook, and our group on Linkedin. Help us spread the wisdom of our colleagues to protect every community;

Repost HSToday preparedness articles on your Linkedin feed. Daily we have original, compelling pieces from some of the most esteemed voices in homeland security. Share those on your Linkedin feed to encourage comments and conversation from our community.

Sign up for the Emergency Preparedness newsletter to read all the submissions (in case you haven't already) at www.HSToday.us.

Let us know how we are doing! Share your thoughts on how we can improve this conversation so that every community is as prepared as they can be.

I look forward to reading your contributions and forwarding the nation’s conversation around preparing our communities.


Brock Long

Former Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Executive Chairman, Hagerty Consulting