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SPECIAL EDITION: New Mental Armor Campaign to support Safety Stand Down 2021: RE 본문


SPECIAL EDITION: New Mental Armor Campaign to support Safety Stand Down 2021: RE

천아1234 2021. 6. 23. 08:48

Good Morning!

As many -- if not all -- of you know, the mental health and resilience of our nations first responders is a critical piece of taking care of our own.

This week we join the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) and the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) for their annual joint initiative, Safety Stand Down 2021: Rebuild Rehab, with a focus on Mental Health Resilience. To honor this initiative and the firefighters and other first responders in our readership, Homeland Security Today has stood up a special page on Mental Health Reslience and focused a complimentary campaign, HSToday's Mental Armor, that will focus resources, stories, webinars, and other contributions to help our readers be mind and body strong.

From exercise, to calming apps, to free community resources, to how to develop a mental health resilience plan for your community, HSToday will focus on introducing you to our campaign this week, and keep the conversation going on how to build your armor all year.

You never know when you may need it, or when it can help a colleague.

As always, thank you for what you do -- and please let us know if there are resources you need.

Very respectfully,


Kristina Tanasichuk
Executive Editor
Homeland Security Today